Thursday, 5 April 2012

Happy Easter!

So I didn’t get a chance to dine out last weekend… but only because I was too busy baking in preparation for Easter. Instead I thought I’d share my baking fun with you!

Coming from a half Maltese background there is one tradition that certainly defines Easter for me, and that’s Figolli. A traditional Maltese Easter treat which always leaves us counting down for next Easter to come soon as this year’s is over! They are a shortbread cookie with an almond paste filling and are beautifully decorated with bright coloured icing and Easter eggs. My boyfriend and I have made a tradition of making them every year so here’s a sneak peak…

Traditionally they are cut into large shapes of animals however, we didn’t have stencils this year as we didn’t organise ourselves and borrow them from relatives. Instead we thought we’d be a little inventive and create egg shapes for the larger shapes and use Easter bunny and heart shaped cookie cutters to make smaller shapes. At the end of the day, they still taste the same… delicious!

We also change the icing around a little bit and added our own little trick… lots of lemon! You can never go wrong with lemon in my opinion and from our taste testers (family and friends), I think they might just agree.

To finish it off we wrap them up in coloured cellophane and give them as gifts to our family. It takes almost all day if you’re planning on making them for the whole family, but it’s definitely lots of fun and hopefully a tradition we can keep up for many years to come. 

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